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Regenerative Medicine for Joint Pain

Regenerative Medicine for Joint Pain
Regenerative Medicine for Joint Pain

The phrase “regenerative medicine” was coined by U.S. biologist William Haseltine during the twilight years of the 20th century. However, the concept of regenerative medicine has been used since the dawn of man.

For millennia, healers and medical practitioners realized the body’s capacity to heal itself. Practices that we often take for granted, such as cleansing wounds or relying on homeopathic mixtures to heal sickness, were considered cutting-edge medical practices at one time.

Today, sufferers of chronic joint ailments such as arthritis are seeking out what we would refer to as regenerative medicine in lieu of opioids, steroids, surgery, or simply learning to live with pain.

To be sure regenerative medicine, has come a long way since ancient times. So what exactly is modern regenerative medicine and how is it being used to overcome chronic joint pain?

Body, Heal Thyself!

Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal itself. he most common treatments are rest, time and care. This is especially true if joint pain is a result of overuse, stress or aggressive activities. And while the RICE method – that’s rest, ice, compression and elevation – can expedite healing of joint strain and sprain, it isn’t that simple with regard to arthritis, gout, and other chronic conditions that affect joint health. That’s where a more modern approach comes into play.

Modern Regenerative Medicine

Modern regenerative medicine – of which stem cell therapy is one form – promotes the regeneration of new, healthy tissue by injecting stem cells extracted from the patient’s own body directly into the site of the injury to stimulate the body’s own repair mechanisms. The new cells take on the characteristics of the healthy cells in that specific area, then start to replicate over time, promoting healing without the need for surgery, downtime or risky pain medication or resulting in scars or scar tissue. Regenerative medicine not only helps in orthopedic matters, it offers hope to the U.S.’s more than 1 million sufferers of Rheumatoid Arthritis alone, and can be used for a variety of other medical conditions, from back, neck and sciatica pain; to tendonitis and hair loss. Certain types of regenerative medicine are even used to treat illnesses like Crone’s and heart disease.

Cutting Edge, without the Cutting

For those who suffer from joint pain, they can expect a non-invasive treatment that requires no cutting, anesthetic, or anti-inflammatory medication. That’s because regenerative treatment not only reduces the pain and inflammation associated with joint pain and other conditions, they also work to repair and regenerate the damaged region.

Regenerative medicine and related stem cell therapies are a major breakthrough in natural healing. or the more than 25 million Americans who experience some form of chronic joint pain (arthritis being the most common type), regenerative medicine offers an attractive alternative to traditional medicine, proving that modern technology reinforced with ancient traditions just might be the treatment of the future!

To learn more about regenerative medicine and how our orthopedic surgeons can help improve your quality of life by relieving your joint pain, call South Palm Orthopedics at   or request an appointment online.