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Excision of Masses

Mass Excision Specialists in Delray Beach, FL

Excision of masses is a surgical procedure to remove abnormal tissue growths such as cysts, tumors, or other tissue masses using a scalpel, laser or another instrument. At South Palm Orthopedics our experienced team of mass excision specialists offers expert diagnosis and individualized nonoperative and operative treatment for a wide range of hand and wrist conditions. To learn more about mass excision treatment in Delray Beach, FL, contact the team at South Palm Orthopedics for an appointment today!

Excision of masses in the hand and wrist involves the surgical removal of abnormal growths, such as cysts, tumors, or lipomas. This procedure is essential for alleviating discomfort, restoring function, and preventing potential complications.

Indications for Excision of Masses of the Hand and Wrist

The primary indications include painful masses, those that interfere with function or are cosmetically unappealing, and growths suspected of being malignant. Persistent or growing masses also warrant removal.

Preparation for Excision of Masses of the Hand and Wrist

Preparation involves a thorough medical evaluation, imaging studies like MRI or ultrasound, and possibly a biopsy. Patients may need to cease certain medications and fast before surgery.

Excision Procedure

The procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • Local or general anesthesia depending on the mass size and patient health.
  • A surgical incision is made over the mass site
  • The mass is carefully excised, avoiding nerve damage and minimizing tissue injury.
  • The incision is sutured and bandaged.

Recovery after Excision of Masses of the Hand and Wrist

Recovery may involve immobilization, pain management, and physical therapy. Most patients can resume normal activities within 2 to 6 weeks.

Risks and Complications of Excision of Masses of the Hand and Wrist

Risks include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and recurrence of the mass. Adhering to postoperative care instructions can minimize complications.

If you would like to have additional information on excision of masses or would like to learn more about mass excision treatment in Delray Beach, FL, please contact the expert team of hand and wrist specialists at South Palm Orthopedics.